
You know Im no good

Wahh..lama x update blog rasanya! =')
Sorry for I have no interest in social networking stuff..Salahkan all the work loads from lecturer..Kikiki~
Mr. Hubby pesan, not to play around this semester. I almost fail my Philosophy paper (I got 'C'- which stands for 'Cemerlang...pala otak hang'!!').
Alhamdulillah, things go so well this semester, accept that I need to find a part-time job (nak kawen la katakan~ heheh!~)
I found one vacancy at Secret Recipe, Amcorp Mall. If I received THE CALL, means I need to bahagi masa dengan sebijak-bijaknya! InsyaAllah..
Hah, apa plak motip entry You Know Im No Good ni?
Currently Im stuck with Amy Winehouse, this is one of her best songs..=) 
Kalau ada masa, moh le dengar kat Youtube. Tp xmo naughty2 with the vid clip ok!!!
Actually aku tengah tunggu Abah amek from hostel, tapi jalan jem gara2 BERSIH. Hoh.. Malas nak ulas banyak2 pasal bersih ni. Yang aku tau helikopter berlambak2 kat atas nun, takut jatuh bom je kat Blok 8 ni ha. Xpasal tengah layan benda lagha (Amy Winehouse) mati kena bom. Jenuh nak menjawab depan Tuhan. Ish3~ Ok, makin takut plak. Tukar citer jom!
Hmm.. Ok, xtau nak citer apa.. Apa pun, doakan yang terbaik untuk bumi Malaysia (ttbe) and semoga aku dapat jadi pelajar cemerlang (akhlak, akademik) this semester.. Mana la tau, ttbe dapat 4 flat sem ni Abah hadiahkan aku keta kancil lama sbijik, boleh bawak korang jenjalan kan? =) Ok, tu je.. Bubye lalings!

3 Ore Oyap -->>:

Nurina Act said...

good luck jad.. fighting...

WindchillJay said...

@nurina act: ye~ kamsahamnida~ (^______^)

A. Asyraf (asd_slade) said...

gambatte kudasai

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