
Are we in heaven?

Uhuk3~ *sambil buang sawang*
Sorry, lama rasanya x update blog ni sbb xde interesting experience that can be shared. But, Alhamdulillah, hari ni ttbe mai mood nak update! Here it goes, peeps! =)
.  .  .
Well, instead of bercerita tentang macarone yg colourful and cuppies yang menjadi bualan ramai, aku nak share sesuatu yg sangat syiokk! Presenting...jeng3!~

The very-delicious-durian-pancake!
(it's the yellow one- just in case)

Couple days ago I asked Anis Farhanah to accompany me to buy shoes at Midvalley (again, same place!). I've lost my shoes and an external hard-disk on my first day at IPBA (fine, my bad for not taking care of my own stuffs). But hey, who cares? Patah tumbuh hilang berganti, kan? Kasut je la.. External hard disk tu tunggu elaun la kowt? :p

Ok, back to Anis Farhanah; aku kesian nak ajak dia keluar sbb puasa, tp dia kata dia pun nak beli barang, so then we went~ Syiokk dapat 2 pairs of new shoes. Satu murah and satu lagi agak mahal from Vincci. Yang murah pakai p kelas, sbb sangat comfy utk berjalan dengan kadar segera..hehe! Antara food stocks yang aku topup were instant Campbell soup, green apples (as in the picture) and also tomato cherry.

After we've bought almost everything in Midvalley, Anis Farhanah said she wants to buy durian pancakes- (ok, I was like.."come again?"). She mentioned something about facebook which then has made me unsure about two things; it was either she was too hungry because she was fasting or there was some missing chunks between "durian pancake"...bla bla bla.."facebook"?

She bought one package of durian pancake for RM10 and right before we leaved, I decided to give it a try too. So, secara x langsung, peniaga tu dah untung RM20. Tima kasih kat Anis cepat! :p

Sampai je kat bilik aku, Yaya (my rumet) tengah sembang2 dengan Adah (my housemate)-- gila, habis semua aku nak introduce ni? So aku pun bukak la durian pancake tu, (sedap la kowt menguyah sambil gosip, kan?). Mula2 aku makan durian tu, dengan mind set yang "eleh, durian biasa la kowt". At the same time, Yaya was about to take the very first bite. Bila dah masuk mulut, Yaya pandang aku, aku pandang Yaya. Awkward moment bila aku tanya Yaya, "Kita kat syurga ke?"

Frankly speaking, that was..no, IS the best food I've ever tasted. Aku balik dari Midvalley tadi pun, beli lagi one package. X boleh dah rasanya p Midvalley without thinking about DURIAN PANCAKE! =)

Kepada peminat durian, boleh la cuba rasa nanti ok? Till then, friends. Enjoy your weekends! =)
Jangan tension2, and selalu ingat, Allah sentiasa ada untuk hambaNya yang minta pertolongan. But hey, what do I know? All the best ya? (^______^)


Bead bullets for toy- All are ours'

Couple days ago I went to Sungai Buloh, (my old house before I moved to Subang Impian). Abah asked me to sort things out (macam periuk, pinggan mangkuk, kain baju and buku-buku)- well, basically everything in that house! Few memories of childhood stroke my mind that morning. I saw some of my late mother's masterpiece; buku-buku rujukan that she wrote with her heart. There were few books yang arwah tulis dan letakkan nama aku sebagai penulis.

I remember she sat in front of her computer and typed enthusiastically during Ramadhan back then. There was one night when my brother and I came back from tarawih with Abah, she hugged us and all of a sudden she said, "I'm really proud of my daughter and son". We were like "Errr~" [Out of the blue?].. Oh, how I miss the warmth and affection from you, Ibu! If only you were still here, I would definitely won't let you go this time. Tapi, apa yang mampu Nabila buat? Allah lebih sayangkan Ibu. Al-Fatihah~ Semoga Ibu di sana baik-baik.

InsyaAllah, one day I want to be an author just like her (macam cita2 bbudak je?). Kawan2 tolong doakan kejayaan saya. Naik Sem 2 for Degree in IPBA on 18th, dah xmo malas2. Doakan saya especially for my Philosophy paper. Hopefully I can start fresh, without any dramas like last semester! Darn it!- (ttbe emo sbb memang betul geram!). Teringat balik mcm mana perasaan nak amek result SPM. Nok mapuh doh raso lo ni... Kalu fail jugok, meme drop TESL nikoh jah!(hoh, kecek supo ore klate dop?) (^___^)v

Bawah ni are some memorable pictures that I've captured for tatapan readers. Walaupun x se-interesting gambar adik-beradik Marcellos, tapi cukup bermakna buat my family and I- (rojak sungguh bahasa kat sini). Next time I'll use full English, sekarang ilmu x cukup mantop lagi. Kang tersalah tulis, ada pulak group kat FB tu nak pangkah teman. Choii~ Oh, the pictures! Ok, here they are:
Fav toy gun- uses painful beads as bullets
My brother's primary school writing "Ibu Saya"
My late mother's masterpiece
My name as the author
Some of the wish cards Ibu had received

I wrote this when I have a little trouble with sleeping..After finished uploading all the pictures, there, the drowsiness! Well, I shall return to my bed now! HEY YOU! Do have a nice day ya! :p

p/s: Thanks a bunch for reading!


Tatak Day Care

Today was tiring! Abah woke me up at 8.30am and asked me whether I could babysit Nayra gumok for a day. I was like, "Ya, of course!'; 
*Actually I was like ---->>>

Oh my! I was planning to make kek batik and something for lunch, but thinking about babysit her at the same time, probably I have to forget cooking! But then lately, tangan ni gatal je nak make dessert.  Nak2 bila kena puji Nanaimo Bars aku sedap..hehehe~ (^____^)v So, aku mintak tolong adik lelaki aku jagakan Nayra jap while I cook. Penat cause I need to make sure adik lelaki aku tu tak lesap naik bilik dia and leave Nayra alone. Jenuh2~
When I was making kek batik, teringat pulak time awal2 aku buat dulu. Kawan aku kat Sepintar, Nuny yang introduce kan aku dekat kek ni (haah, aku mmg lame pun dulu~). Time tu ktorang buat jualan sempena hari apa ntah (dah x ingat). Banyak lagi memori aku pasal kek batik ni. Aku pernah nak buat untuk Mama and Abah for their after honeymoon punya present (Im not sure). But then it turned out to be keras. (Today, I've figured out why it became keras). Aku x masukkan cukup air and susu cair and biarkan Milo bergumpal. Kesian jugakla aku tengok Mama nak gigit kek batik aku dulu (ok, nama pun first trial kan!). Wahetever it is! Today, kek batik aku is superb!!! =)))
Xdak sapa puji aku, puji diri sendiri je la~

Well, about Nayra; the spoiled brat! (^____^)v Time lunch (kobis masak kicap and telur dadar) aku pasangkan laptop kat meja makan. Bagi dia dengar 'Burung Kakak Tua', 'Five Little Ducks' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' on youtube. Spoiled brat! (I dunno, I love these words) (^_____^)v. Spoiled brat!!! Ok, enough~ So, this picture is to prove how serious is the spoiling of the brat! (is there any such words?- lantak la labuu~) :p...

Her body kena sapu dengan calamine lotion sebab gatal hama. Alhamdulillah, she has appetite to eat still.

Nayra was taking her bubble bath with her rubber ducks. Enjoy, eyy?

Well, I just want her to know that she's the best baby girl (just till I have my own kids) in this whole wide world!!! (Ok, rasa macam dah exaggerate je?) Apapun, tatak loves you so muchy much, Nayra Qalesya!!! (^_______^)v Ok, this is the last picture for today, peeps;

P/S: Sorry for the rupa of this cake. I'll try to improve it.

Ok..I think it's time for me to... Penat molep doh ni~~~ Assalamualaikum and good night, peeps!!! (^________^)v


Nanaimo Bars- Najad's Style!

I was in ultimate boredom when I was searching stuff(well, more to
wasting time) in Facebook last Monday- poke sana sini, puji others' default picture, stalk orang..macam-macam la kan. Then I saw this one guy (oops!) 'likes' Instructables
 page. Never knew ada page yang tackle many simple instructions from handicraft  sampai la cooking stuffs! Just what I need for this holidays! (^_______^)v

So, disebabkan rumah aku ni bukan bakery house or whatever they call, many ingredients yang aku perlu make do. Check out this recipe, peeps:

Nanaimo Bar Recipe

Bottom Layer½ cup unsalted butter (European style cultured)
¼ cup sugar
5 tbsp. cocoa
1 egg beaten
1 ¼ cups graham wafer crumbs
½ c. finely chopped almonds
1 cup coconut
Melt first 3 ingredients in top of double boiler. Add egg and stir to cook and thicken. Remove from heat. Stir in crumbs, coconut, and nuts. Press firmly into an ungreased 8" x 8" pan.
Second Layer½ cup unsalted butter
2 Tbsp. and 2 Tsp. cream
2 Tbsp. vanilla custard powder
2 cups icing sugar
Cream butter, cream, custard powder, and icing sugar together well. Beat until light. Spread over bottom layer.
Third Layer4 squares semi-sweet chocolate (1 oz. each)
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
Melt chocolate and butter overlow heat. Cool. Once cool, but still liquid, pour over second layer and chill in refrigerator.
For the bottom layer;Ingredients yang aku ganti are graham wafer crumbs (scientific gila bunyi) sebab susah nak cari (Gigi geraham aku tau la). So what I did is crushed some Abah punya biskut gula sampai dapat satu mangkuk. Any biskut (Marrie, biskut Tiger, or anything yang manis). Other than the crumbs, aku ganti coconut sebab aku confuse dengan santan (lantak la, first time buat ok!). So aku lebihkan chopped almonds supaya ada rasa crunchy untuk base. Basically, kalau nak ganti cocoa dengan Milo pun ok. Menurut firasat aku, akan jadik lebih sedap! =) Untuk double boiler, aku buat cenggini:
Cool x my double boiler? =)

And this is my crumbs a.k.a. biskut gula Abah yang tinggal separuh~

For the second layer;
Aku gantikan vanilla custard powder and the cream dengan peanut butter (macam yang di'suggest' kan dalam Instructables website. Anything creamy such as cream biskut oreo pun will do but..sapa nak korek biskut oreo satu?? Lastly, for icing sugar, aku blend gula biasa sampai halus mulus macam kulit Nayra. Aww~~

For the third layer (toppings);
X dapek den nak nolong. Semua ikut recipe..hehehe~ (^___^)v

Well, lepas dah follow all the instructions and makeshift ingredients macam kat atas, this are the results and some of the picture behind the making of Nanaimo Bars...enjoy~ =)

This is the second layer; spreading the mixture of peanut butter over the chocolaty crumbs..=)

My Nanaimo Bars, siap untuk dimakan! =)

Tambah air Sunquick..woaa..gemuk2~ =)

Hmm, lepas Mama balik dari office tadi, Mama kata something. Pretty sure she means something like, 'First step is always the hardest'. Indeed, Mama~ Esok Mama suruh aku buat kek batik untuk visit Maktok kat Subang. Beres!!! Hal kecik je kek batik tu Mama! Hehehhh~~ 

Ok, till then peeps! Sorry sebab writing yang kelam kabut sebab tengah rebut dengan Nayra nak tengok video Burung Kakak Tua.. Bubye!!!~~~